Odin the All Father conquered and cast a shadow of fear over the realms he could rule from Asgard, his seat of power. Like Bor his father, Odin resorted to cosmic war to control dangerous threats across the nine realms. Odin desired to be a ‘benevolent’ king, so he stopped when he established a peace that could be maintained. Additionally, the number nine is an important number in the old Norse myths, linked to magic and paganism. What were the realms he conquered? Niflheim: The “Mist World” is the coldest, darkest region. The first of the nine, Niflheim is located in the northern region of Ginnungagap. The eldest of the three magic wells is located there, called Hvergelmir “bubbling boiling spring” and it is protected by the huge dragon called Nidhug. Muspelheim: The Land of Fire lies far to the south. Muspelheim is a burning hot place, filled with lava, flames, sparks, and soot. Muspelheim is the home the of fire giants, fire demons and ruled by the giant Surtr. He is a sworn enemy of Odin and his fellow Aesir.

Asgard: In the middle of the creation, high up in the sky is Asgard, the home of the Gods and Goddesses. Inside the gates of Asgard is Valhalla, the place where half of the Vikings “Einherjer” that died in battle will go for the afterlife, the other half goes to Fólkvangr. Midgard: “Middle earth” is located below Asgard and is the realm of humans. Midgard surrounded by a wide celestial sea and Asgard are connected by the Rainbow Bridge Bifrost. A huge sea serpent, the Midgard Serpent lives in the ocean and encircles the world and bites its own tail. Jotunheim is the home of the giants, the sworn enemies of the Aesir. Jotunheim consists mostly of rocks, wilderness, and dense forests, and there is no fertile land in Jotunheim.

Vanaheim is the home of the Vanir Gods and the dark elves, the masters of sorcery and magic, widely acknowledged for their talent to predict the future. When the war between the Aesir and the Vanir ended, three of the Vanir came to live in Asgard: Njord and his children Freya and Freyr. Alfheim is the home of the Light Elves next to Asgard in the heavens. Beautiful creatures, the Light Elves are minor Gods of nature and fertility; they can help or hinder humans with their knowledge of magical powers and provide inspiration to art and music. Svartalfheim, or “Dark Fields” is the home of dwarves, beings that live under rocks, in caves and underground. Dwarves are masters of craftsmanship.

Helheim is the home of the dishonorable dead, thieves, murderers and those the Gods and Goddesses feel is not brave enough to go to Valhalla or Folkvangr. Helheim is ruled by Hel, and its grim and cold, any person sent there will never feel joy or happiness again.